It is common for people to consider job and career as one and the same thing, but this perception is very wrong. Job refers to a service you provide to learn a living or a temporary source of income, while career refers to do a work that you are passionate about. The simplest thing that can help you differ job from career is passion. When you wake up in the morning to go to work and you’re excited to get out of bed, then it usually means that you are passionate about your work. Usually a good career is driven by passion ensures growth, while a job just for the sake of it can cause boredom and frustration.
However, in today’s fast life, money is considered to be the most important goal. People are ready to give their passions and dreams, just to settle down with a job which ensures financial stability. But money is not equal to happiness. Following your dreams, and doing something you are passionate about gives you happiness which more important than money. People are often stumped by this choice; to do a highly-paid job, or to make a career in something you are passionate about, and the often choose the former. It is because it is easier to choose something as transient as money over happiness. Mostly, the jobs that are taken by students and senior citizens are just for money. But even youngsters get stuck in a job just to earn a living. While jobs are often temporary, building a Career requires a lot of hard work and future planning. As career is a long term goal, it is usually pursued by passionate people, who wish to achieve something more than just money.
People often take courses with job prospects in mind, giving up their passion in the very beginning. But some people pursue courses like Engineering or arts, just in order to follow their passion and gradually achieve a lot of success and happiness in life. Doing a job with lack of motivation makes your life monotonous and dull. Whereas, Choosing a career driven by your passion, not only makes you happy but helps you to relate to your work in a better way; you come up with better ideas, learn and improve in your field. Therefore, it is always a better idea to follow your passions to build a strong career.