Marwadi University, hosting faculty development programs

Marwadi University, hosting faculty development programs

Marwadi University is one of the best universities in Gujarat. This university in Rajkot is a remote centre of IIT Bombay. IIT Bombay, under the guidance of PMMNMTT, is offering a two-part AICTE-approved Faculty Development Program with an aim to empower faculty in online and blended teaching-learning process.

We at Marwadi University are hosting this program at our own university as it is a remote centre of IIT Bombay. Approved by AICTE, this program will last for two weeks. This FDP program is kept as a two-part course so as to focus on both- exposure to technology and pedagogy enhancement. This Faculty Development Program at Marwadi University will be conducted in a blended MOOC format.

During this program, there will be some expert training sessions and face-to-face interaction sessions at Marwadi University. Following are some more details of these faculty development programs hosted at the best university in Rajkot.

Program 1: Foundation Program in ICT for Education (FDP101x)

This particular course will be focused on technology awareness. Scheduled from March 8 to April 12, 2018, this foundation program will cover one face-to-face session on a weekend (through A-VIEW) at this remote centre – Marwadi University. The course content is released on IIT BombayX platform.

Program 2: Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching- Learning Process (FDP201x)

With the focus mainly on pedagogy, this course is scheduled from May 03 to May 31, 2018. The course content will be released on IIT BombayX platform and there will be face-to-face sessions (through A-VIEW) for two weekends at various remote centres including Marwadi University.

Who should attend?

This Faculty Development Program is not subject-specific and hence, teaching faculty from any field can participate including polytechnics, science, management, commerce and arts. Teachers registered in a PhD or a Master’s program, during their employment as a teacher, can participate too. Additionally, participants should have basic familiarity with the computer.

Those who have already participated and completed the last year’s FDP on “Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning”, will not be eligible to register in this FDP.

Please note that the last day of online registration for this program is March 10, 2018. For more details, visit this link.

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