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Here is how you can crack UGC-NET exams [PART-II]

As we told in the last blog, it is required to crack the UGC-NET exam with a good score to take an admission in our top-ranked PhD university- Marwadi University. In the last blog post, we covered a few tips regarding how you can score well in the upcoming UGC-NET exam. This post also covers …

Here is how you can crack UGC-NET exams [PART-II] Read More »

Alumni are the pride of the Marwadi Institution

It’s a dream for many to attend a college, enjoy the curricular activities, attend fresher’s and farewells, participate in exhibitions, attend lectures, make new friends and most importantly get a degree for all that you have studied for many long years. During the phase that goes so well, there comes a time when you bid …

Alumni are the pride of the Marwadi Institution Read More »

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