Alumni are the pride of the Marwadi Institution

Alumni are the pride of the Marwadi Institution

It’s a dream for many to attend a college, enjoy the curricular activities, attend fresher’s and farewells, participate in exhibitions, attend lectures, make new friends and most importantly get a degree for all that you have studied for many long years. During the phase that goes so well, there comes a time when you bid a goodbye to the most important part of your life. To a place that has given you memories to cherish, and there comes a time when all friends and mates move on with their own lives; some peruse with higher studies, some get into the world of business, while some get involved in something or the other. No matter how furnish an institution might be, the students play a vital role in it. There can be no organisation with students, nor there can be a successful college with a bunch of Alumni.

Mba alumni-meetAlumni are definitely the stakeholders of the college; they are what an institution is known for. An institution is successful only when the alumni have the urge to go back to college and attend reunions wholeheartedly. There might be a number of colleges all over the world providing the best of knowledge and degrees, but how many of them are there on an average whose alumni wholeheartedly feel the urge to go back to the college and attend reunions? I believe the answer might be minimal. But Marwadi University is one such college who have been known for proud alumni. It is a college which has supplied a bucket of knowledge to the many and provided successful leaders to the nation. They have alumni as the institution’s most loyal supporters, they are great models for the students and most importantly the alumni are the international ambassadors who carry the knowledge of the particular institution to the worldwide.

alumni-meetHowever, a good relation with the alumni is beneficial for the institution; if the students are well aware of what is going on in their respective institution then the circulation of correct and positive information flourish, while if the relation between the alumni and the institution stalls when the students leave the college then there comes a full stop in the growth. The alumni will have no information to share with the outer world and hence the growth of an institution suffers. Alumni of the Marwadi Institution have never failed to make the institution proud. Today the institution has reached a certain level and it’s all because of its successful bunch of alumni.

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