Roundtable Conference- Mechanisms for grassroots empowerment with Mr.ChitranjanSarangiji

Roundtable Conference- Mechanisms for grassroots empowerment with Mr.ChitranjanSarangiji

A roundtable meeting of selected students was held from 10 am – 5 pm at Marwadi University on 10th October, 2023, MC 301. The programme was coordinated and facilitated by Prof.Dr.Rhishikesh Dave (Dean of Law Department), assisted by Associate Professor Dr. Rahul Nikam and Assistant Professor DivyanshiShrivastava.

The topic of discussion was: Mechanisms for grassroots empowerment. Prof Dave introduced the subject, gave useful remarks as and when required and inspired the students to speak their minds freely. The students were encouraged to judiciously exercise the opportunity.

The Guest of Honor for the day was Shri ChitranjanSarangiJi, he is luminary on social welfare and is associated with various national campaigns. He is know for his skills on fostering communal harmony and imbibing socio-cultural values in student community.

20 students shared their dream of future India, free from problems and weaknesses. They shared how they look at India after five years. International students shared their appreciation of India’s sensitive culture and vibrant society. The first session of two hours was focused on listening to the students.

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