Organized on February 11th, 2023, TEDx Marwadi University seeked to catalyse change in our locality by bringing pioneers and change-makers of our community who talked about their discoveries, insights, research, and solutions on the theme ‘Justice for Millions’. Justice for Millions is a principle that aimed to build a just and equitable society by guaranteeing all citizens an equal level of protection and rights, regardless of their differences. Different forms of justice, such as distributive, retributive, and restorative justice, are necessary to accomplish this purpose. These forms of justice must be utilised and carried out in an inclusive manner, taking into consideration the particular requirements and experiences of marginalised groups, and always with the intention of mending harm, re-establishing connections, and encouraging fairness and proportionality. Fair resource and opportunity distribution within a society is referred to as distributive justice. This includes making certain that everyone has access to necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare as well as an equal chance to succeed in life. Society must address the structural injustices that prohibits some groups from having access to these resources and opportunities. Restorative justice seeks to punish wrongdoing. It attempts to make sure that people are held accountable for their deeds and that the penalty is appropriate for the offence. The judicial system must be impartial and fair, and sanctions must be appropriate for the crime committed, in order to establish retributive justice. The goals of restorative justice are to restore the damage that crime has done and to mend the bonds between the offender, the victim, and the community. Restorative justice gives the criminal a chance to own up to their wrongdoing and make atonement while also assisting the victim in getting better and moving on.
TEDx Marwadi University